Thursday, 7 September 2017

Chocolate flakes, almonds and agar


It's the recovery ... So we have to comfort ourselves! Another recipe diverting for these individual chocolate flakes, almonds, and agar (with or without thermo-mix). In a few minutes and few ingredients, it can make it possible to obtain a dessert on the way between the flan and the fondant very very melting almonds ... These bring a small grainy side that we particularly appreciated. In short, to do and to remake!

For 6 blanks
250g of milk
60g of brown sugar
25g of bitter cocoa
1 tbsp agar agar
100g ground almonds

In the bowl, place the milk, sugar, and cocoa for 10mn, 90, 3. Add agar and almonds; program 2mn, 90, FSI, 3. Pour into muffin molds and place in a cool place for at least 3h.

Without thermo-mix
Place milk, sugar, cocoa, and agar in a saucepan. Bring to the boil and let boil 1mn, covered (for projections). Let cool and add the almonds. Pour into muffin molds and place in a cool place for at least 3 hours.

Source Cake: here

Chocolate flakes, almonds and agar
4/ 5


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